24/7 service
010 31 88 88
24/7 card service phone number
010 31 88 99
24/7 service phone number for American Express cards
010 31 99 99
acba digital
MasterCard Standard
The right combination of price and convenience. This card is widespread throughout the world and is serviced in all ATMs, trade and service points, as well as the Internet domain where the MasterCard logo is available.
MasterCard Standard payment card, being an international card, also offers great opportunities for people who often travel to other countries or generally like to travel, as this card allows you to book hotel rooms, airline tickets and rent cars.

MasterCard Standard card is a settlement card of international payment system of MasterCard Europe.
MasterCard Standard - Tariffs
Product's business card
Terms of provision and service of payment cards
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Card service fee
4500 AMD annually | Via acba digital - 3500 AMD annually
Card validity
60 months
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