24/7 service
010 31 88 88
24/7 card service phone number
010 31 88 99
24/7 service phone number for American Express cards
010 31 99 99
acba digital

Please fill in the application in English
By submitting this application, the Cardholder authorizes the Bank to open a card account in his/her name and provide him/her with a card to dispose of funds available on that account.
Fields marked with * are mandatory
Choose a card*
Currency of the card*
Քարտի սպասարկման միջնորդավճարի վճարման եղանակ*
Քարտի սպասարկման միջնորդավճարի վճարման եղանակ*

Applicant details

Name of legal entity/person*
First name*
Last name*
Date of birth (month/day/year)*
Current residence address*
Mobile phone no.*


Type of employment*
Name of organization*

Credit Line Data

Do you want a credit line?*
Credit line size*
Salary amount*

I hereby agree that:

The members of the "ACBA GROUP" financial group1 (hereinafter referred to as the Group) after signing this agreement until the conclusion of a credit (loan, any other credit product, etc.) agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) with me (or until a decision is made not to conclude an Agreement with me) of the loan ( and/or other credit product) make inquiries* (inquiries lower the credit score) to "ACRA Credit Reporting" CJSC and I am asking "ACRA Credit Reporting" CJSC to provide information regarding my current and past financial obligations, as well as other data that may be considered by members of the Group when making a decision on signing the Agreement with me.
In case of signing an Agreement by the members of the Group, during the entire duration of the Agreement, and in the presence of the general credit agreement, also during the duration of the latter, at any time without prior notice to make inquiries to "ACRA Credit Reporting" CJSC for the purpose of monitoring* (does not affect credit score) of the current loan (and/or other loan product), and "ACRA Credit Reporting" CJSC will provide the members of the Group with information on all my financial obligations, as well as other data.
The members of the Group at any time prior to the termination of business relations with me, without prior notice to me, for the purpose of checking creditworthiness and providing banking services (does not affect the credit score), made inquiries to "ACRA Credit Reporting" CJSC  and "ACRA Credit Reporting" CJSC  provided members of the Group with information on all my financial obligations, tax obligations, any other data included in tax reporting, as well as other data.

I hereby agree that:

  • The members of the Group sent a request information from the "Nork" Social Services Technology and Awareness Center Foundation and I am asking them to provide any information about me that may be used by members of the Group.
  • The members of the Group make a request to the RA Cadastre Committee regarding the properties owned by me with the right of ownership or joint ownership and receive comprehensive information about my property rights, including the information regarding their origins, as well as receive the copies of the certificate of ownership, copies of the house plan and other necessary documents from the cadastral file, provide an application to the RA Cadastre Committee on behalf of me, perform a state registration of any kind of right of ownership of real estate, receive documents, make payments until the fulfillment of my credit (any other credit product, loan, etc.) obligation.
  • The members of the Group make a request to RA Road Police regarding the vehicles owned by me with the right of ownership or joint ownership and receive comprehensive information regarding my property rights, including the information regarding their origins, as well as receive the copies of the certificate of ownership and other necessary documents until the fulfillment of my credit (any other credit product, loan, etc.) obligation.
  • The members of the Group make a request to "Armenian Motor Insurers Bureau" union of legal entities and insurance companies and receive any information regarding the insurance of the vehicles owned by me with the right of ownership or joint ownership (including the information regarding the insured and beneficiaries) until the fulfillment of my credit (any other credit product, loan and etc.) obligation.
  • To be notified by the members of the Group regarding any information related to the services provided by the members of the Group.
I hereby confirm that I have been notified by the members of the Group regarding the processing of personal data in accordance with the document "General terms and conditions of banking services" posted on the official website of "ACBA BANK" OJSC, and I agree to the processing of personal data in accordance with the procedure and conditions specified in the abovementioned document.

I understand that the provided information and data, depending on their content, may influence the relevant decision made by the members of the Group.

I have read this Agreement and certify that it is completely understood and acceptable to me.

*I confirm that I have been informed by "ACBA BANK" OJSC that the Agreement to carry out the abovementioned requests is a mandatory condition for the submission of the loan application.
1According to the decision of 28/04/2017 No. 27 of the Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia, "ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" CJSC (address: 82-84, Aram Street, Yerevan), "AGBA LEASING" Credit Organization CJSC (address: 10, V. Sargsyan Street, Yerevan) and "AMUNDI-ACBA ASSET MANAGEMENT" CJSC (address: 10, V. Sargsyan Street, Yerevan) (hereinafter, each separately - members of the Group) have been qualified (recognized)  as a financial group under the name "ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE GROUP". According to the decision of 14/08/2020 of the Board of "ACBA BANK" OJSC dated , the financial group was renamed "ACBA GROUP" financial group.


«Մեմբերշիփ Ռիվորդս» ծրագրի անդամակցում*

Ես հաստատում եմ, որ ծանոթ եմ «ԱԿԲԱ ԲԱՆԿ» ԲԲԸ-ում գործող «Մեմբերշիփ Ռիվորդս» ծրագրի անդամակցման եւ մասնակցության պայմաններին, սակագներին եւ ցանկանում եմ անդամակցել «Մեմբերշիփ Ռիվորդս» ծրագրին: Հիմնական Քարտի համար դիմելու պահին «Մեմբերշիփ Ռիվորդս» ծրագրի ակտիվացման դեպքում, ծրագրի առաջին տարվա սպասարկումն անվճար է:
Activate SMS notifications for card transactions exceeding a specified amount*
Minimum amount
Language of SMS notification*
Type of SMS notification*
Method of receiving the card
I agree that the financial institution will use the entered data for the purpose of providing services. I confirm below that I am familiar with the payment card issuance and service conditions in "ACBA BANK" OJSC, American Express card issuance and service rules and card issuance and service tariffs (published on the website www.acba.am), I confirm that the information provided in this application is complete and reliable. I confirm below that I am familiar with the possible risks related to the use of payment cards presented in the "Advice to cardholders" section of the website and the advice presented on compliance with security rules.
I am aware that after completing and sending this application, the relevant employee of the Bank may contact me in order to make additions, clarifications or to provide information regarding the possibility of card delivery service.
In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 24.06.2024 17:20