24/7 service
010 31 88 88
24/7 card service phone number
010 31 88 99
24/7 service phone number for American Express cards
010 31 99 99
acba digital

Please fill in the application in English
By submitting this application, the Cardholder authorizes the Bank to issue a card of the same payment system and of the same type attached to his/her card account and to provide the additional card to the person designated in this application. The holder of the attached card will be authorized to use funds available on the card account within limits specified in this application. To order the attached card, the main Cardholder application is required, and the card can be provided to both the main and the attached cardholder.
Fields marked with * are mandatory
Your main card**

Mention the branch where you have ordered

Main Cardholder details

Name of legal entity/person*
First name*
Last name*
Phone number*
Card number*

Attached card holder details

First name*
Last name*
Phone number*
Attached card limit**
Specify limit amount**
Method of receiving the card
I agree that the financial institution will use the entered data for the purpose of providing services. I confirm below that I am familiar with the payment card issuance and service conditions in "ACBA BANK" OJSC, American Express card issuance and service rules and card issuance and service tariffs (published on the website www.acba.am), I confirm that the information provided in this application is complete and reliable. I confirm below that I am familiar with the possible risks related to the use of payment cards presented in the "Advice to cardholders" section of the website and the advice presented on compliance with security rules.
I am aware that after completing and sending this application, the relevant employee of the Bank may contact me in order to make additions, clarifications or to provide information regarding the possibility of card delivery service.
In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 24.06.2024 17:22