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acba digital
Lottery for students who received Student Loans and Visa Student cardholders

We are happy to inform our customers that the announced lottery will take place on December 20, at 10:30 at the Moscow Cinema. Students who paid their tuition with ACBA-CREDIT AGRCOLE BANK’s Student Loans between August 25 and December 19 (inclusive) will qualify for the lottery.

The drawing will be held only among students present at the lottery event.

Six prizes will be awarded: semester tuitions, notebooks or iPads at the choice of the winning students (students studying abroad will choose between a notebook and an iPad).

Please bring an identification document with you. All participants will receive a complimentary ticket for the movie “Super Mama” screening right after the lottery at the Moscow Cinema.

The annual drawing among Visa Student cardholders will also take place on the same day. Cardholders of active Visa Student main cards who have performed at least one payment or cash disbursement transaction with their card and who are currently students will qualify for a total of six prizes. Students in Armenia will be able to choose a semester’s tuition or a Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini Duos mobile phone, while students abroad will receive a Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini Duos mobile phone.

Prizes will be awarded to winners providing official proof of their current student status before 31.01.2015.
In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 23.03.2015 11:44