ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK held a two-day business training course for hotel business owners and representatives in Tsakhkadzor.
"We constantly expand thematic and geographical scope of our business trainings, develop and introduce new modules. Currently we have 13 modules and we will continue adding topics and include new directions, as the result is obvious and the participants always express positive feedback, "said Arsen Melkonyan, Head of Development and Marketing Department of ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK.
The business trainings held in Tsakhkadzor included topics directed towards the development of tourism, such as; "Hotel Services Marketing", "Caring Towards Guests", "Motivation and Staff Retention", "Sales of Hotel Service".
About 30 representatives of 17 different small and medium-sized enterprises took part in the training, which was conducted by experienced staff of the Bank.
ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK has held over 60 trainings in which have taken part about 700 participants representing more than 420 organizations.