Visa Signature card allows you to get travel insurance, international consulting services, additional benefits and discounts in many hotels, airlines, shops and restaurants around the world.
In case of conversion of more than USD 25,000 or equal currency during one banking day, the transaction is carried out on a contractual basis, at the Bank's discretion and at the rate specified by the Bank. An amount of 100,000 AMD (inclusive) or equivalent foreign exchange transactions is required to submit an ID. There are no commission fees for conversion transactions. Damaged USD and EUR banknotes as well as USD banknotes 1995 issuance are subject to a 5% commission. Banknotes with a face value of 500 Euros are not accepted by the Bank, converted or replaced.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) named ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK as the “Most Active Issuing Bank in Armenia in 2017” under the EBRD’s Trade Facilitation Program (TFP).
Holders of ArCa, VISA and MasterCard banking cards of ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK and Ardshinabnk are able now to withdraw money from their ATMs according to the rates set by their respective banks.
Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK at the level of B + with a stable outlook, the Yerevan-based bank reported.
The first energy efficiency program, implemented with the financial assistance of the ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK, has been completed in the Kasakh community.
SAP, one of the world's largest enterprise software vendors, has signed a contract with ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK, the first bank in Armenia to conduct a large-scale digital transformation of its business by using SAP enterprise software.
In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 13.12.2024 13:59