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Armenian herbal teas to be exported to Germany: We found what we were looking for TeeGschwendner

Within the framework of the Biofach 2018 organic food exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany, "Sari tei" and "Antaram" companies have signed an agreement with German TeeGschwendner on herbal tea export.

"We learned about the two Armenian companies through the Organic Agriculture program, conducted by the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) and ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK. I think the project was a good opportunity to create prospects for both producers of organic tea in Armenia and us. The German company will not limit itself to buying tea from Armenian partners only, and counts on wider cooperation. TeeGschwendner will familiarize the Armenian partners with the standards and features of the European market, as well as conduct a training course for the employees of these companies. Together we will identify all the problems of the production cycle and solve them. This is the first project conducted by TeeGschwendne in the region. We found what we were looking for," said Lukasz Parobin, production director at TeeGschwendner.

TeeGschwendner has more than 130 specialized stores in seven countries on four continents.

Sari Tei and Antaram received free organic certification from ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK and NABU as part of the Organic Agriculture program. The annual program has been implemented since 2015. So far 30 entrepreneurs have been awarded organic certification.

With the assistance of German specialists, the beneficiaries are retrained every year. The winners of the contest and manufacturers of BIO-products have already created 50 new jobs. Seventy more jobs are expected to be created in 2018.

The program for the development of organic agriculture is carried out for the clients of ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK.

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