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New business training for the hotel sphere

ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK continues expanding the thematic scope and geography of the trainings organized for SME representatives in the frameworks of non-financial products.

The last two-day trainings took place in Goris, Syunik region and included the newly-installed topics - “Hotel services marketing”, “Customer care”, “Motivation and personnel retention”, “Hotel services sales” directed at developing the tourism sector. Around 15 representatives of small and medium enterprises of Syunik region took part in the trainings.

More than 650 SME representatives from around 400 organizations have taken part in the 53 trainings organized by ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK until now. The trainings are held by the Bank’s managing employees, who present topics regarding effective management and marketing. The spheres of activity of the participating companies include services, sales, industry and agriculture.

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