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The first green-energy infrastructure was created

The first energy efficiency program, implemented with the financial assistance of the ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK, has been completed in the Kasakh community.

From now on all community-owned public buildings as well street lighting will be provided with electricity from the clean energy infrastructure. Solar heaters were installed and the system of the lighting of the main streets of the community was modernized through installment of LED bulbs.

Thanks to the "green infrastructures", the Kasakh community will be saving 6 million drams annually.

Kasakh is the first community in Armenia that decided to create a communal infrastructure of clean energy and to solve the issue of electricity and hot water by using nature without damaging it. As a result of using green energy, about 105 tons of toxic carbon dioxide will not be released into the environment every year.

ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK provides financing for community energy efficiency programs exclusively in Armenian drams, without service fee, at the annual interest rate of 9% and maturity period of 5 years.

Watch the video here.

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