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ACBA TOKEN Application implemented

Opportunity to log in to ACBA ON-LINE System visa Mobile Token

Today the customers of ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK have the opportunity to log in to ACBA-ON LINE system via mobile token.

Previously, using the ACBA-ON LINE system of online management of bank accounts, the customers could generate the one-time password only via token security device. Now it is possible to generate one-time password via the newly created ACBA TOKEN application from your mobile phones, and manage your bank accounts at any moment, from anywhere in the world.

The advantages of using of the application by the customers of the Bank are the following:

1. Log in to ACBA-ON LINE without additional token security device, the availability of a mobile phone with IOS and Android operational systems is enough;

2. The newly created application makes it possible for the legal entity customers to generate one-time password to log in to account management system of several organizations, belonging to the customer, using only ACBA TOKEN application. In case of token security device, the legal entities generate one-time password for the accounts of each organization with a special token security device, provided for the accounts of each organization;

3. It is possible to change the ACBA TOKEN application without visiting the Bank, by filling in "Provide a new mobile banking/token" online application.

The application is available for IOS and Android operational systems. For more information, please visit this link ACBA TOKEN

It is worth mentioning that from January 12, 2015 there are new lower tariffs for using ACBA ON-LINE system in the Bank:

Instead of the previous monthly fee of 1,000 AMD for using ACBA ON-LINE system, the individuals shall pay only a lump sum of 5,000 AMD, while individual customers already using the service, will no longer pay any fee.

In case of legal entities, starting from January, instead of the previous monthly fee of 5,000 AMD, the customers shall pay 3,000 AMD monthly fee.
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