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Participate in the second free project of “Organic product certification”

Starting from the 7th of October, 2016 ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK, in collaboration with NABU, launches the second free project of “Organic product certification”.

The project, launched in 2015 is aimed at developing the organic market in Armenia and fostering the export and is intended for all those SMEs, which are interested in receiving in organic certificate.

The entrepreneurs interested in the project can download the application of 2016-2017 “Organic product certification” from the Bank’s official website until the 7th of November, and after filling it in, send it to the email mentioned in the application.

The products presented by the certification participants will go through expert assessment in the frameworks of the competition and after summing up the results the winning entrepreneurs will receive organic certificate with the financial assistance of ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK and NABU.

4 companies received organic certification in the frameworks of “Organic product certification” free program 2015-2016 implemented by ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK and NABU .
In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 31.10.2016 10:55