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New Perspectives for Children from Gavar Orphanage through VISA BENEFACTOR Card

On June 30, 2014 a trilateral cooperation agreement was signed between “ACBA CREDIT-AGRICOLE BANK” CJSC, “Hayastan” All Armenian Fund and World Vision Armenia international charity organization, within the framework of which a mutual initiative directed at creation of educational opportunities for the children of Gavar orphanage will be launched.

This is the first mutual charity project of World Vision Armenia, “Hayastan” All Armenian Fund and “ACBA CREDIT-AGRICOLE BANK” CJSC. The project budget is 41 000 000 AMD, and the project will last for 3 years.

Within the framework of the project more than 90 children of Gavar orphanage 9-18 years old will have the opportunity to receive comprehensive secondary and professional knowledge and acquire vital and most important skills. In particular, it is envisaged to organize classes with the specialization in the Armenian and foreign languages, mathematics, history and other subjects, as well as various professional trainings.

This project is the next project implemented under issue of charity card VISA BENEFACTOR by “ACBA CREDIT-AGRICOLE BANK” CJSC and “Hayastan” All Armenian Fund. The Bank has already issued more than 19 000 VISA BENEFACTOR cards and as a result of the phone survey performed among 1000 most active card holders of Visa BENEFACTOR, held in February 2014, among the offered projects the project on creation of educational center for children from orphanages was selected, which will be launched with the efforts of World Vision Armenia charity organization.

World Vision Armenia Office Director Zhirayr Edilyan says: “At present more than 90 girls and boys from various towns and villages of Armenia live in Gavar orphanage. They attend secondary school, some of them participate in out-of-class study groups. However, the received secondary knowledge and skills are not enough for these children to be able to find a work and be fully integrated into society, when they reach the adult age and leave the orphanage. They need fundamental knowledge and orientation”.

“ACBA CREDIT-AGRICOLE BANK” Chief Executive Director Hakob Andreasyan says: “Since the issue of Visa BENEFACTOR card, this is a new part of the project directed to the children of orphanages of Armenia, which has a significant importance for us. The Bank will continue its efforts to ensure scholarships for orphanage children, as well as find employment. We appreciate World Vision Armenia joining this project and we are glad that the children with low income families of Gavar will also have the opportunity to benefit from the project directed to children of Gavar orphanage”.

“Armenia” Pan-Armenian Fund Director Ara Vardanyan says: “The idea to create an educational center appeared getting acquainted with 9-18 years old children living here, and learning their desires. Evaluating the experience of World Vision Armenia in similar projects, “ACBA CREDIT-AGRICOLE BANK” and “Armenia” Pan-Armenian Fund jointly applied to World Vision to take up the implementation of the project”.

Within the framework of the project of World Vision on territorial development of Gavar, other activities are also envisaged with the participation of children from Gavar orphanage and territorial communities, which will contribute to the formation of communication skills of orphanage children out of the institution, helping them to make new friends

In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 22.01.2015 11:16