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Securities trading

The Bank offers you to perform securities trade operations (brokerage services) in the RA securities market on behalf of the Bank and at the expense of the Customer or on behalf of the Customer and at the expense of the Customer, based on the Customer's orders.

Using the brokerage services offered by the Bank, you have the opportunity to invest in the securities listed on the stock exchange of "Armenia Securities Exchange" OJSC of the Republic of Armenia, as well as in the securities circulating in the market of unregulated securities of the Republic of Armenia.

You can get acquainted with the terms of the brokerage services provided by the Bank by the following links:

  1. The procedure of the provision of brokerage service in securities market
  2. Sample of brokerage service contract
  3. Tariffs for brokerage services (valid from 12.03.2018)
  4. Description of potential risks associated with investing in securities
  5. Policy for the restriction of conflicts of interests of the Bank and customer
  6. Questionnaire on investment experience and knowledge
  7. Consolidation of professional client classification
  8. List of persons authorized by a legal entity within the framework of brokerage services
  9. Application for deposit funds and trading blockage of securities
  10. Securities buying/selling order N__ (for secondary market)
  11. Securities buying/selling order N__ (for primary market)
  12. Notice of rejection of the order
  13. Request for suspension of the order
  14. Transaction Report

The provision of brokerage services by the Bank is based on the Agreement concluded with the Customer. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period and provides for the possibility of unilateral termination by the Customer, provided that the Bank is notified at least 10 days in advance.

Attention: In case of execution of transactions in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the order, the credit, market and liquidity RISK IS CARRIED OUT BY THE CUSTOMER. The Bank SHALL NOT REIMBURSE the customer's losses, if they are not the result of the Bank's misconduct.

In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 02.10.2023 10:27