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ACBA BANK performs money transfer in any currency.
Change of the terms of executed transfer, its recognition as void upon the written request of the customer: for transfers on the RA territory via Bank_Mail system – 2,000 AMD; for transfers in RUB and GEL via SWIFT system – 10,000 AMD; for transfers in other currency via SWIFT system – 25,000 AMD;
Correction of inaccuracies in a transfer, as well as repeal of a transfer are performed within the limits of capabilities and terms of the transferring and receiving banks;
If the transferred funds are already paid, the Bank bears no responsibility for the return of funds;
The Bank is obliged to provide a document, evidencing each transfer, which will contain the transferred amount, currency, size of commission fee and other details;
The customers with no account are allowed to transfer only an amount, equal to up to 3000 USD via SWIFT system;
The transfers to the RA state budget, made by the customers with no account, are performed upon the availability of the identification document and social card, and in case of other transfers the bank may require also other documents, supporting the transfer.
In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 10.03.2023 15:40