From now on, in addition to receiving money, you can also transfer money to Visa և Mastercard cards of a number of countries*, as well as those, issued by VTB Bank (Armenia), which is not a member of the Armenian Card Processing Center, thanks to Visa Direct and Mastercard MoneySend services.
Transfers are made quite fast, in 24/7/365 mode. Transfers can be made both with a card number and with a phone number.
To make a transfer with a card number, you need to log in to ACBA Digital Internet Banking, select the "Transfer" section, then the "Card to Card Transfer" subsection, then "Visa Transfers" or "Mastercard MoneySend" and perform the following steps:
The transfer service with a phone number is automatically activated for all Visa and Mastercard payment system cards of the Bank. The activation of the service by the bank is carried out according to the following principle:
The cardholders of Visa and Mastercard of the Bank have the opportunity to receive transfers via phone number, and the cardholders of Visa cards of the Bank have the opportunity to make transfers to Visa and Mastercard cardholders.
To make a transfer with a phone number, it is necessary to log in to ACBA Digital internet banking system, select the "Card to Card Transfer" section under the "Transfer" section, then "Visa Transfers", and follow the steps below:
Term |
Visa Direct |
Mastercard MoneySend |
Bank card transfer fee |
Maximum limit for one transaction |
Maximum number of transactions per customer per day for all products of the given payment system |
10 |
10 |
Maximum daily amount of transactions per customer for all products of the given payment system |
*See the complete list of countries here.