ACBA Bank is the leader in the payment card service market of Armenia with the following indicators:
ACBA Bank is licensed to service ArCa, VISA, Mastercard, JCB, China Union Pay, MIR and American Express payment system cards, being:
Increase the turnover of the organization
Increase of the organization's turnover
Increase in the number of customers and satisfaction
Saving financial resources
Day I:
Acceptance of payment card service application
Registration in the system and sending the application to the processing center
Preparation of acts of transfer and acceptance and contracts and organization of their signing process by the Bank
Application approval by the processing center and replenishment of POS terminals
Activation of payment card service
* The POS terminal installation process usually takes up to 5 (five) business days.
It is possible to install a POS terminal in a shorter period of time, which is subject to consideration by the organization and the Bank.
Quality of service and safety
The Bank, being one of the first participants in the payment card service market of Armenia, has developed service standards over the years.
Manage your accounts online via ACBA Digital service, with preferential terms for you (see Banking Services on Preferential Terms).
If your organization's payment card service is performed by another bank and you do not service any of the above payment systems, then ACBA Bank, in cooperation with the bank servicing you, will provide the service of the above payment systems.
ACBA Bank has joint payment card service agreements with 14 banks.
Opening an account with ACBA Bank is not a mandatory condition for activating payment card service by the Bank*. The organization can provide an account at the main bank, servicing them.
* In case of opening an account in a bank, you use preferential tariffs, which you can get acquainted with in the "Terms of Service" section.