24/7 service
010 31 88 88
24/7 card service phone number
010 31 88 99
24/7 service phone number for American Express cards
010 31 99 99
acba digital
Operations via cards

Both cash and non-cash transactions can be carried out with the cards issued by the bank.

The card transactions are:

  • Payment through POS terminal,
  • Payment by presenting card data,
  • Payment for goods, services and works via the Internet,
  • Receipt of cash from ATMs and cash disbursement points,
  • Cash deposit to the card through ATMs,
  • Card-to-card transfer or payment via ATM and www.arca.am website,
  • Other transactions not prohibited by laws and internal legal acts of the Bank.

When performing a card transaction, it is necessary to remember:

  • Transaction is possible only at the trade and service points or through the ATMs where the logo of the given card system is posted.
  • Cash deposited in the card account can be used no later than 18:00 of the next banking day.
  • If no certification (verification of eligibility) has been required from the Bank for the transaction, and the transaction amount has exceeded the account balance or the commission fee for the card transaction, and in some other cases, the card account may be overcharged, against which the Bank calculates interest rates for the use of the credit line in accordance with the Bank's tariffs.
  • When making a payment, before signing the receipt, you need to make sure that the amount indicated on the receipt corresponds to the amount of your transaction.
  • Receipts of card transactions are recommended to be kept for at least three months after the date of the transaction.
  • When making a payment with a card, it is necessary to always keep the card in sight.
  • If you refuse to buy, demand a cancellation (VOID) of your payment;
  • The Bank limits the number of cash transactions and the maximum amount per day, the maximum amount of payment operations per day and exceeding these limits may be the reason for the rejection of the transaction. The limits may be changed in the amount defined by the Bank's internal legal acts in case the cardholder applies to the Bank.
In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 06.02.2023 12:35