24/7 service
010 31 88 88
24/7 card service phone number
010 31 88 99
24/7 service phone number for American Express cards
010 31 99 99
acba digital
Work schedule of "Arabkir" branch

To minimize the probability of spread of the new type of coronavirus, as well as to perform disinfection works in the branch, on May 25, 2020 ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE Bank stopped the operation of "Arabkir" branch (non-residential area No. 2/1, building 64a, Sundukyan Street, Yerevan). The mentioned branch will be reopened on May 26, 2020.

In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 18.08.2020 16:56