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ACBAB1 coupon bonds by "ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE" CJSC to be listed аt NASDAQ OMX Armenia

We kindly inform you, that starting from October 24, 2017 nominal coupon bonds (AMACBAB21ER0, ACBAB1) issued by "ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" CJSC will be listed on NASDAQ OMX Armenia and included in the bonds' main Abond list and will be allowed to manual and REPO trading as well. It should be noted, that in order to ensure the liquidity of the bonds issued by the Bank in the secondary market, the market maker's operations are carried out by "ARARATBANK" OJSC.

Attached we introduce NASDAQ OMX Armenia OJSC Chief Executive Officer’s resolution No ՑՊ-028-10/17 of October 19, 2017 on listing nominal coupon bonds issued by "ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK" CJSC on NASDAQ OMX Armenia and including in the bonds' main Abond list.

In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 02.11.2017 15:00