24/7 service
010 31 88 88
24/7 card service phone number
010 31 88 99
24/7 service phone number for American Express cards
010 31 99 99
acba digital

"ACBA BANK" OJSC has implemented an effective compliance system, the purpose of which is to protect the Bank's customers and the Bank from financial losses, to provide a reliable and transparent environment for customers, where the code of conduct and the protection of customers' interests play a primary role.

Get acquainted with the Compliance Policy of "ACBA GROUP" financial group here.


In 2014, an intergovernmental agreement was signed between the USA and the Republic of Armenia on reaching an agreement on compliance by the financial organizations of the Republic of Armenia with the provisions of the US FATCA law and thus improving cooperation in the fight against international tax evasion.

You can familiarize yourself with the intergovernmental agreement at the following link: Intergovernmental Agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the United States.

What is FATCA?
What is the purpose of FATCA law
Which persons are under the influence of FATCA law?
What is the US standard?
Will I have to pay more taxes as a result of FATCA, if I am a US taxpayer?
Can I open accounts in another RA financial institution to avoid FATCA law requirements?
What documents do I need to provide to the Bank for my FATCA identification?
What is the Bank going to do with the information and documents I provided?
What are the consequences, if I do not provide the information or documents requested by the Bank under the FATCA law?

Personal Data Protection

At "ACBA BANK" OJSC, we appreciate and value the importance of personal data entrusted to the Bank. One of the main responsibilities of the bank is to ensure the proper protection of the data of all its customers or persons who have transferred personal data in any other way and the full application of the rights defined by the law.

"ACBA BANK" OJSC is the first organization in Armenia to be certified by the famous ISO (International Organization for Standardization) structure with ISO/IEC 27701:2019 Privacy Information Management System certification, which made the process of data processing in the Bank even more secure and stable and in accordance with international best practices and requirements.

Why is "ACBA BANK" OJSC collecting personal data?
How long does "ACBA BANK" OJSC keep the collected personal data?
What legislation is "ACBA BANK" OJSC subject to in the field of personal data protection?
How are my personal data protected in "ACBA BANK" OJSC?
What rights do I have regarding my personal data?
How can I get acquainted with my personal data processed by the Bank or exercise my rights to them?
What is the address dpo@acba.am and who is the person responsible for my personal data in the Bank, whom I can contact in case of questions and problems?

Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Contact your personal data protection officer at the Bank in case of getting acquainted with your personal data processed by the Bank, changing them, restricting their processing or performing other actions related to the processing of your personal data or in case of other issues and problems related to them. You will receive an answer to your application within 10 working days at the latest.

The message shall be sent from your email address, which you provided to the bank during your identification.

Head of Risk Management and Compliance Department: Armen Melkumyan

Contact: dpo@acba.am.

In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 11.07.2023 12:19